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Modern slavery

Our statement

We are committed to improving practices to combat slavery and human trafficking. It is important to us that we employ ethical practices that are aligned with our ethos of a business for social purpose to deliver our vision.

We are committed to ensuring that we comply with our legal and regulatory responsibilities, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We take care to ensure that slavery and human trafficking does not exist in any part of Selwood Housing's business or supply chain and will act in partnership with other agencies where there are suspicions that one of our homes is being used for this purpose.

As an employer we are committed to paying the Real Living Wage to all our staff and we regularly review our terms of employment to ensure that they comply with all relevant legislation. All new employees are required to complete Right to Work checks as specified by the Home Office.

We have systems in place to identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains, mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chain, and to protect whistle-blowers.

We manage projects and procurements where services and products are sourced from suppliers. Most of these products are not sourced by us directly but are sourced by our contracted suppliers of services, goods and works. As an organisation that does not wish to work with any business knowingly involved in slavery or human trafficking in any part of its operations, we are taking the following steps:

  • Requiring new suppliers appointed by tender to declare that they are not involved in slavery or human trafficking and have not been subject to any investigation in connection with any offence involving slavery or human trafficking.
  • Including provisions in our template contract documentation requiring our suppliers to take appropriate steps to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in their supply chains.

We have zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking. To ensure all those in our supply chain and contractors comply with our values, we have in place a rigorous supply chain compliance programme. This consists of:

  • Asking tenderers to declare that they and all their suppliers are compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015
  • Asking our suppliers to declare whether they or any of their suppliers have been subject to prosecution under the Modern Slavery Act 2015
  • Ensuring all contractual agreements refer to adherence to the Modern Slavery Act 2015

We will assess any evidence of non-compliance and will take appropriate remedial action. We will only trade with those who fully comply with this statement and the terms of our contracts for those who are taking verifiable steps towards compliance. Policies relating to slavery and human trafficking

This statement is made under section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It constitutes our Group's slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 March 2022. The turnover of the Selwood Housing Group exceeds £36 million for that period.

This statement applies to all entities within the Group and is approved by Selwood Housing's group board. It will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.

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Modern slavery statement, 151.7KB PDF

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2 days ago
Selwood Housing

Over the last year, we’ve shared with you some of the feedback from our quarterly customer satisfaction surveys. These surveys, carried out by Acuity on our behalf, are part of the tenant satisfaction measures (‘TSMs’) introduced in 2023 by the Regulator of Social Housing.

All social housing landlords must carry out surveys with their tenants using a set of twelve TSM questions. Alongside these survey questions, landlords must also collect data and publish ten management information measures that focus on operational areas, such as safety and compliance.

We now have our first full year of these TSM results, and we’re pleased to report that for each survey measure our results are in the top 25% of our peer group of housing associations.
You can view our full TSM results, including survey and management information measures, on the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures page of our website: ecs.page.link/bDNRG
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6 days ago
Selwood Housing

Our grounds maintenance contractor John O'Conner Grounds Maintenance Ltde Ltd has designed a dedicated website where you can find out when they're due in your area. Due to busy periods and weather conditions, we cannot give exact dates when works will be carried out, please use this schedule as a guide. Selwood Housing – John O'Conner Local ecs.page.link/7Bx5g ... See MoreSee Less

Our grounds maintenance contractor John OConner Grounds Maintenance Ltd has designed a dedicated website where you can find out when theyre due in your area. Due to busy periods and weather conditions, we cannot give exact dates when works will be carried out, please use this schedule as a guide. Selwood Housing – John OConner Local https://ecs.page.link/7Bx5g

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

I've no words for how I feel about the the person who did the grass again.

I have to say the new team (about a year now) are very good a bit messy at times but wet grass what can you do. They seem to be up at least once a month.

7 days ago
Selwood Housing

Wiltshire Council is developing its 2024-2029 Accommodation Strategy and seeks input from older residents on maintaining independence in their homes. If staying at home is impractical, the Council aims to understand how local services can be improved to feel like home for residents. Your feedback in this survey will help shape the strategy and inform future housing needs for older people in Wiltshire.

Follow this link to the survey it should take no longer than 10 minutes and will really help Wiltshire Council understand the potential needs and wishes of those aged 50+ Accommodation Strategy Survey ecs.page.link/k8bBw
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Wiltshire Council is developing its 2024-2029 Accommodation Strategy and seeks input from older residents on maintaining independence in their homes. If staying at home is impractical, the Council aims to understand how local services can be improved to feel like home for residents. Your feedback in this survey will help shape the strategy and inform future housing needs for older people in Wiltshire. 

Follow this link to the survey it should take no longer than 10 minutes and will really help Wiltshire Council understand the potential needs and wishes of those aged 50+ Accommodation Strategy Survey https://ecs.page.link/k8bBw

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Done and done asked for the warden to be reinstated ridiculous the council took them away

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