Over the last year, we’ve shared with you some of the feedback from our quarterly customer satisfaction surveys. These surveys, carried out by Acuity on our behalf, are part of the tenant satisfaction measures (‘TSMs’) introduced in 2023 by the Regulator of Social Housing.
All social housing landlords must carry out surveys with their tenants using a set of twelve TSM questions. Alongside these survey questions, landlords must also collect data and publish ten management information measures that focus on operational areas, such as safety and compliance.
We now have our first full year of these TSM results, and we’re pleased to report that for each survey measure our results are in the top 25% of our peer group of housing associations.
You can view our full TSM results, including survey and management information measures, on the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures page of our website: ecs.page.link/bDNRG
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