Welcome to our your neighbourhood pages. Whether you're looking for your neighbourhood manager, report anti-social behaviour or information about grounds maintenance, you're in the right place.
Information on the management of the grass, trees, hedges and shrubs.
Grounds maintenanceFly tipping is the illegal deposit of any waste on to land that does not have a licence to accept it, unlike an official rubbish tip.
Fly tippingIt is not just carried out by men against female partners; it affects women, men and children.
Domestic abuseProvides short-term, intensive support to customers with multiple needs, who are at risk of losing their tenancy.
Tenancy sustainmentWe have a team of neighbourhood managers who are here to help you enjoy your home and neighbourhood.
Neighbourhood managersWhat is antisocial behaviour and how to report it with us.
Antisocial behaviourYour possessions are priceless and most of us at one time or another run out of storage space.
Rent a garageIf you can't find what you're looking for please contact us at info@selwoodhousing.com