Westbury and Warminster have been selected as the priority neighbourhoods for 2023-2024. Our priority neighbourhood project teams have been hard at work hosting several events and community action days in these two areas. Our work in these priority neighbourhoods aims to improve the areas and bring the community together.
Warminster priority neighbourhoods project launched at the end of January 2023 with 12 members of staff from the neighbourhoods, lettings, caretaking, income, customer involvement and sheltered housing teams. As a result of a number of meetings and consultations with key stakeholders, local authorities and residents, the project focused on three key areas of Warminster; Boreham Field, Westleigh and Portway.
You said | We did |
Improve the perception of the neighbourhood | We have built and developed relationships with key partners such as local councillors, the town council, neighbourhood policing teams and Wiltshire Council to address this. |
Deal with the anti-social behaviour and dangerous driving on the Westleigh estate | Consultations have been carried out with residents of the Westleigh estate and 69% are in favour of CCTV. We also met with the school, local authorities and Wiltshire Police. Grant applications have been submitted to fund the installation of CCTV. |
Be more visible on the estates | We carried out quarterly estate inspections during the project, as well as regular walkabouts with local councillors and the neighbourhood policing team. |
Clean up gardens | During our visits, we identified properties that required help and support to clear gardens and properties of rubbish. The caretaking team assisted seven customers who required this help both physically and financially. |
Get rid of all the rubbish | We carried out two action days on the estates, these included litter picks and bulky item removal. Residents on the estate also joined in with the litter picks. |
Sort out the parking spaces at Alcock Crescent | We had the parking bays repainted to make it easier for residents. |
Get rid of the illegal cars parked on the estate | We have been working with the DVLA to identify and remove vehicles parked illegally on the estate. |
Keep us safe | As part of the Community Safety Partnership, the neighbourhoods team carry out regular estate and home visits. |
Tidy up the green areas on the estate | This is a project that we understand Wiltshire Council are looking at for Portway Lane. We aim to look into collaboration which will in turn provide a benefit longer term. |
Keep sheltered housing residents informed | Coffee mornings were arranged during the summer and at Christmas for the residents of Medlicott and Cobbett sheltered schemes. The priority neighbourhoods team were on hand to chat with residents. |
Westbury priority neighbourhoods project launched in January 2023. The project team was made up of staff from neighbourhoods, caretakers, lettings, sheltered housing and involvement & communities. An initial project meeting determined the priority areas where actions would have the biggest impact for residents and their neighbourhood.
The following key actions were agreed and six-weekly project team meetings were carried out to update on actions and next steps.
You said | We did |
Improve the green areas in Oldfield Park | We are working with grounds maintenance to look at potential options for improving communal green areas. |
Repurpose the area of Elm Grove that is being used for fly-tipping | The area will be cleared and garden boundaries re-instated on the three properties on Elm Grove that this land belongs to. |
Update signage in Oldfield Park | A full signage audit has been carried out with a detailed list of replacements and new signage required to update our branding. |
Work closer with local groups/charities | Relationships built with Westbury Community Project and several other groups and charities, including the community fridge. |
Stakeholder & partnership mapping | A meeting was arranged with Team 10, an afterschool club that will collaborate with Selwood Housing on an ongoing basis to carry out litter picks and other activities that will benefit the area. |
Clear rubbish in gardens | Two action days were arranged to help residents who were unable to dispose to bulky items. 20 households were helped over two days. |
Keep sheltered housing residents updated | Christmas mince pie and coffee mornings were arranged at Bell Orchard, Westbury and Lyes Grove, Dilton Marsh. The project team were on hand to chat with the residents. |