If you make a complaint, find out what happens next and the steps we take to resolve the problem.
We are always happy to hear that we did something well. Compliments about our services and staff will be shared with the relevant colleagues.
Complaints will be acknowledged quickly and dealt with fairly. We aim to learn from complaints so we can put things right and continuously improve our services.
If you make a complaint, find out what happens next and the steps we take to resolve the problem.
If you want to leave a compliment or make a complaint, you can get in touch with us in a number of ways:
Send an email to info@selwoodhousing.com (for compliments and positive feedback) or complaints@selwoodhousing.com (if you wish to make a complaint)
Complete our online feedback form:
Speak to a member of our customer services team on 01225 715 715
Come along to formal meetings, community gatherings, focus groups and meetings on an individual basis. Interested in knowing more? Learn more about how you can get involved.
Send your letter to us at our main office address.
Contact us on Facebook.
We always appreciate the time you take to complete our satisfaction surveys. Learn more about our customer feedback system.
Whistleblowing is when someone reports serious concerns about something that one of our staff, contractors or board members has done or failed to do.
Examples of a whistleblowing concern might be:
If you would like to report a serious concern in line with our whistleblowing policy, please read our customer information sheet which provides further information.