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Customers and communities

Free service delivers peace of mind when the lights go out

Photo of Selwood Housing customers Susan & Robert Coombes with Mike the dog.

 You've just found out that there's been a power cut, wifi is out for at least a few hours and it's getting dark. Frustrating and inconvenient for many, but for some this could be a more serious situation.

However, help is at hand. The Priority Services Register is a free service to identify people needing additional support during a power-cut, especially those of us with a serious health condition.

Selwood Housing customers Susan and Bob Coombes recently found out the benefit of being on the Priority Services Register when the street they live on had a power outage for over eight hours.  The couple had joined the register after Mr Coombes was fitted with a heart implant.  Bob explained that if his implant senses abnormalities in his heart's rhythm, his heart monitor prompts him to take a reading. This then gets sent automatically to his hospital and he receives immediate assistance.  All this works via wifi, so in a power-cut any heart abnormalities would go undetected.

Susan said, “the electricity company were on to it straight away, they set-up a portable generator and we had power and wifi back within the hour.”  She would encourage anyone to sign up as “it just gives you peace of mind.”

In this region the Priority Services Register is managed by Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN).  You can sign up for FREE by calling 0800 294 3259 or fill out the online form here: Priority Services Registration Form – SSEN

The service is perfect for anyone reliant on an oxygen concentrator, stairlift, refrigeration of medication or where heating is essential for babies, the elderly or disabled.  Those registered will receive alerts about local electrical works or possible storm damage to help you prepare, as well as information to keep you fully updated should a power cut happen, making this a valuable service also for people with learning disabilities or severe anxiety.

For more information, go to: Priority services – SSEN