Using new technology to tackle damp and mould
In April 2022, we partnered with housing solutions company, Vericon Systems, in a collaborative effort to eliminate damp and mould from our customers’ homes.
We had identified a need for more monitoring equipment and technologies to help us identify the root causes of damp and mould issues. This technology gap slowed us down in achieving our goal of eradicating these issues all together.
To bridge this gap, Vericon Systems introduced the Surveyor Cube – a wireless set of devices strategically installed across different areas within properties. These devices help surveyors identify the root causes of damp and mould by tracking indoor temperature variations and humidity levels. This provides real-time data that our surveyor team can use to identify problem areas.
The installation of these devices in our customers’ homes has provided deeper insights into the root causes of damp and mould, enabling us to implement more targeted and effective solutions. Sharing these insights with our customers has empowered them to make small adjustments to reduce condensation, damp and mould. This has helped them improve their living conditions and has led to improved customer satisfaction.
What our customers think
One of our customers, Carly, spoke to us about her experience after having the Surveyor Cube devices installed:
“I moved into my home with Selwood Housing 10 years ago. There were damp and mould issues in the property that I could never seem to get on top of. Selwood Housing tried many solutions over the years. They installed new fans in the bathroom and things like that, but the issues kept coming back. I was really frustrated but at the end of 2023, they installed these new damp and mould devices in my home. One of Selwood’s specialist surveyors, Rob, also visited me several times and used the data from the devices to explain to me the changes I could make to reduce condensation and stop damp and mould from happening.
My son’s bedroom had always been one of the worst affected areas. Rob was able to explain that the issue was caused by condensation forming on one of the walls because the wall was cold. Using the data he collected from the new system, he could see rises in temperature and when humidity levels were highest and when condensation was forming, which was mainly when my son was spending time in his room. Just a person breathing in a room can cause condensation – I had no idea! He gave me some tips on what to do to reduce the problem, like putting the heating on twice a day and making sure the trickle vents in the windows were open to allow more air to flow through the house. He also gave me advice on things like when and where to hang my washing so it doesn’t create damp.
Using the advice Rob gave me and the data from the new system, I’ve been able to make some small changes which have made a huge difference. I’m so glad Selwood Housing are making use of these new systems and have specialist surveyors who can give their customers the right information and share knowledge to help us to stop damp and mould from happening in our homes.”
Customers who have had the new system installed have shown genuine interest in the data collected and appreciated the knowledge gained on how to prevent damp and mould.
What's next
Rob McFerran, our planned improvement project surveyor said:
The implementation of The Surveyor Cube has proved to be a valuable tool for Selwood Housing and our customers, improving resident comfort and aiding in our joint effort to eradicate damp and mould from our housing stock.
Our efforts to eliminate damp and mould from our customers’ homes continue, and we hope to expand the use of this new system into more affected properties. With the data collected, we will continue to implement effective solutions and empower our customers to make positive changes to eradicate damp and mould from their homes.
Do you have a damp and mould issue in your home?
If you have a problem with damp and mould in your home, visit our tips and advice page for more information on what you can do to help eliminate the problem. If your problem is ongoing or severe, please complete our request a repair form to book an appointment with one of our specialists for further investigation.